
Selamat Hari Pekerja 2024

Date added 20/04/2023
Selamat Hari Pekerja Warehouse akan bercuti mulai 30 April Selasa hingga 1 Mei 2024 Rabu. Warehouse akan balik beroperasi seperti biasa pada 2 Mei 2024 Khamis. Urgent Orders sila submit D.O sebelum cuti bermula.
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Due to the risk of social transmission of the epidemic in Baiyun District, stop warehouse operations is tentatively scheduled for two days, 21-25 November 2022

Date added 23/11/2022
The risk of social transmission of the epidemic in Baiyun District continues to increase. In order to effectively block the risk of the spread of the epidemic, from 13:00 on November 21, the control personnel and vehicles in the entire Baiyun District.
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150522 Good news!!! Shipping Price Dropped!!!

Date added 15/05/2022
GOOD NEWS!!! Shipping Price Dropped!!! New shipping price effective from 15th May 2022. Shipping fees from China to Malaysia are as low as RMB2.80 per 100g for air freight*. Share this good news with all your friends and business partners now.
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